Welcome to The Shed (tameside)

Get to know us

The Shed (Tameside) is a men's shed which was established in 2013, and we have been operating as a registered charity since 2017. In 2022 we were awarded the Queens Award for Voluntary Service which demonstrates the dedication and commitment our volunteers provide to The Shed. The project is primarily for men ( but we do have mixed sessions with women on Fridays) with a range of support needs who benefit from practical activities. Surveys have shown more than 90% of participants reported improvements in at least two or more of the outcomes; feeling less isolated and more engaged, feeling better physically and improved wellbeing, improved self-confident and self-worth, improved relationships, a healthier lifestyle and less GPs visits.

The Shed (Tameside) is a larger version of the typical men's shed at the bottom of the garden – a place where he feels at home and can pursue practical interests. We offer a safe, friendly and inclusive workshop, where shedders can come together to work, share ideas and experiences. More importantly, it is a place where they can make friends, socialise and enjoy themselves.

We even have free pool, tea and coffee too if you just want to have a chat.

Some of our regular activities are:


Furniture Repair

Bowling & Boccia

Men in Kitchens

Sporting Memories

Garden Allotments

Computing Skills

Family History

Musical Memories

Bi-Monthly outings to places of interest

Laser Engraving

Board games

Over 10 Years experience

We are one of the longest running Men's Shed's in the UK.

our shedders  to create

Whether it be their own little projects by themselves, or a few of us getting stuck in to local community projects. We have a good chat and a laugh whilst we do it.

Learn new Skills

in Woodworking

Lathe Turning

We have very experienced volunteers (Allan & Allen) who can teach you how to use a woodturning lathe. From the basics of how to use each tool, to making bowls, pens and much much more!

Community Projects

Join our shedders and volunteers in building projects for various community groups and places throughout Tameside and surrounding areas.

Planters, Bird Boxes & Tables

New to woodworking? Learn to make basic wooden projects such as bird boxes, bird tables & planters. Everyone has to start somewhere right?

Laser Engraving

Learn modern techniques  of Laser Engraving with Mike on our Diode laser engraving machine. Add personalised details to the wooden projects you make here at The Shed.

Our ­Team


Mike Matthews

Shed Coordinator/Manager

Mick Greaney

Shed Support Worker

Graham Sutherland

Shed Support Worker

Our Volunteers









past projects

These images are just some of the projects undertaken by shedders at The Shed

Contact us

If you want to know more, please get in touch using the form below or come down for a chat and a look around